Leisure Provision Notes
- Created by: ellward
- Created on: 25-11-14 09:49
Public Sector
Public sector includes any services that are provided from taxation
They are funded by:
- National lottery
- Central taxation
- Local authority grants
- Sport England
- Local authorities
All of these have the responsibility for building and maintaining physical recreation and sport facilities for their local community.
Everyone is charged for using these facilities and the money goes back into the facility. However, some users are subsidised, paying a lower rate or having free access depending on their circumstances. These include:
- the unemployed
- single mothers
- pensioners
- people with disabilities
- under 16's
The public sector provides many facilities such as:
- Large multi-sports centres
- Swimming pools
- Sports pitches
- Parks
- Adventure playgrounds
- Leisure pools
- Nature trails
- Skateboard parks
- Local sports halls
Recreation and leisure plans include:
- Development of new facilities
- Refurbishment of old facilities
- Targeting under represented groups in terms of participation
- Where recreation and leisure provisions and opportunity can make contributions to improvements in community health
Provisions by Schools
These are part of the public sector provision. Schools with excellent facilities tend to have a dual use agreement in place where the local community also makes use of these facilities. This can benefit the schools by their facilities improving, however sometimes the local community impinge on the schools time especially through extra-curricular activities.
Joint use is another type of school provision, it is an extension of dual use. The facility is planned to be used by both the school and the local community before it was built. This then results in schools getting well equipped sport and physical recreation facilities.
Characteristics of Public Sector:
- Capital funding for building and maintenance is provided by national and local taxation as well as the lottery
- Facilities are to financially break even not make a profit
- Local authority will have a sport and leisure development plan, paying particular attention to encouraging under-represented groups to participate more
- Local community pays for entrance and use
- Use is subsidised for less well-off groups within the community
- Management policies are set by local authority to ensure that facilities and services are managed for the good of the community
- Day to day management of facilities may be by a private sector company but they must adhere to community provision constraints within the contract
- There is a range of methods of provision including joint us and dual use
Private Sector
Consists of commercial companies who provide physical recreation and sports opportunities and facilities as a business venture for a profit. Provides many employment opportunities and aids the countries economy. They provide the following:
- Squash and tennis
- Fitness and conditioning
- Outdoor and adventurous activities
- Chldren's play facilities
- Health and spa facilities
- Golf
Their main goal is to make a profit through high memberships charges and admission fees.
Characteristics of Private Sector:
- Primary objective is to make a profit
- They provide high quality facilities
- Their membership and admission charges are higher than the public sector
- They target high value goods and services for better-off members of the community
- They do not have a public service commitment…
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