leases and licences:
- Created by: safbigsigh
- Created on: 21-11-24 13:15
- To avoid action for trespass (or nuisance) you need a license. HURST V PICTURE THEATRE 1915
- Need a license to put up an advertising hoarding (Kewall Invsts v A Maiden 1990)
- Need a license to use buildings as a social club (Onyx v Beard 1996)
- A license is a personal right NOT proprietary - a right over the land and not an interest over the land
- License- permission from an owner of land to the licensee to use the land for an agreed purpose. Relevant case- Thomas v Sorrel 1673
Bare License- given without any consideration from the licencee, invited into someones house - Robson v Hallet 1967, can be withdrawn at any time
- It is unfair to revoke a licence someone has paid for - Winter Garden Theatre v Millenium Productions 1948
- Street v Mountford 1985- HELD TO BE A LEASE
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