King Lear Critics and Context
- Created by: bethg
- Created on: 11-05-16 14:23
King Lear AO’s
AO4 Facts - Context
Stories of 'King Lear' existed for over four hundred years before Shakespeare's time
In all of the previous versions of 'King Lear', Cordelia commits suicide, but Shakespeare replaces her suicide with execution (more injustice, a palpable sense of needlessness)
Elizabethan England an extremely patriarchal society, and respect was demanded not only to the wealthy and powerful, but parents and elders.
The Jacobean age was a time of social and religious change, wherefore assumptions about gender and class were being questioned.
Elizabethan women had to be subservient and were expected to obey men, disobedience was seen as a crime against their religion.
King Lear was written during a time of uncertainty. London had been decimated by the Plague which shut the theatres and Guy Fawkes struck in 1605.
In 1603 Crowns of England and Scotland shared the kingship of James I but not united, a milestone nonetheless.
James I attempted to unite England and Scotland properly with an Act of Union 1606, 2 months before King Lear was performed at Court, but he was unsuccessful as parliament repeatedly thwarted his plans.
AO3 Critical Quotes
"A play in which the wicked prosper and the virtuous miscarry" - Johnson
“Cordelia is an opposition to Lear's authority. She uses Silence, the only possible way of subversion for women of the middle ages” - Rubio
"King Lear is a play about the disintegration of…