
  • Created by: harriet
  • Created on: 29-04-13 12:05

Karma means 'action' or 'doing'. In Buddhism the term karma has a special meaning, it specifically means volitional action. The result of which produces KARMA-PHALA (fruit of karma)

  • Volitional actions - Actions made intentionally. i.e. If one stands on an insect by mistake there would be no karma phala because there was no negative desire or intention behind it.
  • Volition may be good or bad so the karma phala may be good or bad respectively.

Good Karma - KUSALA - produces good effects.

Bad Karma - AKUSALA - produces bad effects.

  • Karma is often likened to a seed, an action is thus like a seed which will sooner or later result in certain fruits which will impact upon the doer of the action.
  • So what conditions the nature of the karmic seed is the intention behind it. Karma is the will, the intention, the desire, often motivated by thirst, craving or attachments, which sets going a chain of causes resulting in the karmic fruits - KARMA-PHALA.
  • Karma is the intentional action or thought. Thinking of doing some bad action is bad mental karma, because it gives energy to the thought rather than letting it pass by and not becoming attached to it. People are conditioned beings, conditioned by their karma/desire etc.

Chanda = intention or desire

Kamma chanda -is an intention that is selfish and motivated by lustful desire


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