Indonesian History, Pre Independence and Independence
- Created by: Kezia Stephanie
- Created on: 27-11-12 16:04
Criteria A: Knowledge & Understanding
Part I: Know the significance of the following vocabulary/terms
Indonesian Pre-Independence
· Primary Source
a source that is created during the time of the event
· Secondary Source
source created after the event
· Bias
the tendency to side with a party instead of another,prejudice, preferance, favoritism
· Propaganda
information that is spread for the purpose of promoting some cause
· Archipelago
a chain of islands
· Javanism
a Javanese principle/moral code/belief on how to act. A combination of Buddhist and Hindu beliefs in such a way it’s uniquely Javanese. Using elements of both.
· Monopoly
controlled the production and sale of a product/service in order to dominate a particular market.
· Colonialism
establishment and development of a group of people from a territory in another territory
· Rebellion
an act of armed resistance to an established government or leader
· Imperialism
A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force
· Political Autonomy
right for self government
· Guerrilla war
small independent group (normally of civilians) taking part in irregular fighting, without professional tactics or army
Indonesian Post-Independence
· Neo-colonialism
The use of economic, political, cultural, or other pressures to control or influence other countries, esp. former dependencies
· Pancasila
official philosophical foundation of Indonesia
· Communism
an economic system based on “you put in your fair share, you get your fair share.”
· Cold War
· Containment/ Domino Theory
· Socialism
an economic system based on “you get a share regardless of your contribution.”
· Capitalism
an economic system based on the “survival of the fittest”
· Trade Embargo
Imposing bans or extra barriers on trade with a specific foreign country (exports to this foreign country, imports from this country, or both), usually because of a policy dispute.
a political concept by Sukarno. Based on the acronym: NASionalisme ('nationalism'), Agama ('religion'), and KOMunisme ('communism')
· Guided democracy
Guided democracy is a term for a democratic government with increased autocracy. While following basic democratic principles there can be minor deviations towards authoritarianism. Attempt to build political stability.
Sukarno introduced this idea on 21 February, 1957
· Nationalism
the sense of unity in a country
· Dictatorship
a government organization or group in which absolute power is so concentrated
· Propaganda
Information, esp. of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view
· Reformasi
· Transmigrasi
a program created by the Indonesian government that relocates people from congested/over populated areas (major cities) to less populated areas (villages). caused a lot of conflict between the people and the government, and the transmigrants and the locals.
· Democracy
a government by the people, rule of the majority
· Subduction
The sideways and downward movement of the edge of a plate of…
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