Human Rights

  • Created by: AnyaSea
  • Created on: 04-01-22 18:30

Human rights are things humans have simply by virtue of being human.

-John Locke believed human rights came from God

-The UDHR is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, declared in 1945

-Our human rights are inalienable, meaning that they can't be taken away


-In 1998, the Blair government put all of the provisions of the ECHR(European Convention of Human Rights0 into British law as the Human Rights Act 1998.

-Sometimes, rights are just by-products of law

-Conservatives want to get rid of the Human Rights Act and replace it with a Bill of Rights


-The Freedom of Information Act 2000 was also brought in by the Blair government: it establishes a citizen's right to access information about them held by public bodies such as the NHS

-Equality Act 2010: established the principle of


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