How far do you agree that the new Weimar Republic was seriously threatened by political extremists in the years 1919–24? Q2-30 marks
- Created by: Belle_Glass
- Created on: 06-03-16 17:37
Ever since formtation of Germany- 1870
Mainstay of German politics held with elites and the middelclass
radical parties- Right Wing Freikorps- mainly blamed for collapse of Weimar
- as a result seen as most serious threat
the established conservatives held most influence
integral part of politics for so long
no threat from either end of political sepctrum
Instability of Weimar- matched with views of defeat WW1
political organisations attempting to spread ideals about Germany
recent communist infestation of Russia- idea communism realistic alternative- influenced Spartacus League
Spraticist Revolt of 1919- first radical uprising
50,000 supporters revolting- quickly contained among public- fear of 'Red Plague'- rife
-uprising not supported by populous
crushed by better trained Freikorps
Weimar not seriously threatened by left- wing extremists
lack organisation to take advantage since WW1 nationalist soldiers of Germany- pose a threat- they who suffered both militarily and economically- led by a left-wing govt
Freikorps- a group of ex-soldiers- own organisation of para-military units
Weimar Constitution eradicate any threats from extreme left
Anti-Republicans- no respect for Weimar- wanted to reinstate an authotarian rule
The Kapp Putsch of 1920 exhibited weakess of Weimar - no control over current events
Freikorps took control of Berlin- not opposed by Army despite Ebert insisting retaliation
After 6 days Kapp Putsch collapsed
Actions of Army during Putsch- refelcted Right Wing attitudes- lack of loyalty towards…
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