History - Essay Plan: Fear of Radicalism was the most important reason for opposition to parliamentary reform in the period 1783-1830. How far do you agree?


Fear of Radicalism was the most important reason for opposition to parliamentary reform in the period 1783-1830. How far do you agree?

Date range: from Pitt coming into gvt and the fall of the Tories.

Criteria that may be used: short/long term, lives effected, effects

Fear of Radicalism

  • FRA revolution outbreak and emergence of early radical societies. This included the London Corresponding Society and the SoFP
  • Demands for parliamentary reform were lost -> Pitt's Reign of Terror banned w/c reform groups in the 1799 Combination Act. Liverpool -> mass interest in parliamentary reform increased -> major threat e.g. Peterloo and Six Acts
  • Important -> successive Tory gvts afraid of radicals causing violence -> repressive legalisation and violence to stop attempts
  • Link to: Dominance of Tories -> overthrow of monarchy and aristocracy -> gvt = fearful.

Dominance of Tories

  • Conservative. Due to FRA revolution, people believed unnatural reform would lead to revolution, anarchy and dictatorship
  • U/C gvt were 'best and natural rulers' Reform would increase social tension
  • Fear


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