History - The End of the Cold War


1. Attempts to reduce tension

  • Détente in the 1970s, SALT I,  Helsinki, SALT II:
  • As a result of Détente, both countries can spend less money on nuclear weapons and have more money and time to concentrate on other issues. USA wants to focus on ending the Vietnam War, needs to address social problems that led to large-scale rioting in 1968 and, building nuclear weapons is expensive. The USSR had poor living standards and the economy wasn't developing, building nuclear weapons is expensive.
  • SALT 1 (Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty) was signed in 1972 was the result of difficult negotiations between the USA and USSR about which weapons should be limited. The agreements were:
  • Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty allowing only 100 missiles at each site.
  • Interim Treaty (temporary, short-term. - only lasted until 1977). It placed restrictions on the number of ICBMs and SLBMs each country could have. USA was allowed 1,054 ICBMs and 740 SLBMs and USSR was allowed 1,618 ICBMs and SLBMs which is more ICBMs as USA already had strategic bombers.
  • Basic Principles Agreement laid down rules for the conduct of nuclear warfare and set out steps for avoiding nuclear wa e.g. both countries agreed to exercise their relations and try to avoid the risk of war.
  • SALT 1 had  a load of weaknesses.  It was unrealistic to avoid war through signing paper as both countries still own nuclear weapons. However, SALT 1 had significant impact on international relations. Both USA and USSR wanted to demonstrate their better relations publicly.
  • The Helsinki Accords, 1975. There were 3 baskets. 1. European Borders, Borders are inviolable as they cannot be altered by force. 2. International Co-Operation, including trade agreements,technology exchanges and a joint Space mission. 3. Human rights, to respect individual freedoms e.g. free speech, religion and movement across Europe.
  • SALT 2  - Improved relations were begining to fade. In the USA, there was growing belief that USSR can't be trusted. November 1979, Islamic militants captured the American Embassy in Tehran. US diplomats and their families were publicly humiliated and 60+ were held hostage for 444 days. Americans wanted Détente to end and be powerful again. December 1979, USSR invaded Afghanistan bringing Détente to an end.
  • Significance of Reagan and Gorbachev's changing attitudes:
  • Reagan saw opportunity at the end of the Cold War to adopt a more open approach to the Soviet Union, whilst sticking to his overall aim.
  • Gorbachev was determined to reform Communism in the Soviet Union and introduce a series of policies that would have major impact


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