Haydn''s Drum Roll Symphony 4th Movement
- Created by: ellie g
- Created on: 07-05-12 11:30
Haydn - Drum Roll Symphony 4th movement
- Written for John Peter Solomon - a famous violinist and leader of the Opera Concert Orchestra
- Written for an orchestra of 60
- Written in Sonata-Rondo Form due to Haydn's love of experimentation
- Monothematic
Uses motifs, pedals , imitation (Antiphony) and a repeating theme
Bars Key Rondo Sonata
1-107 Eb A Theme Exposition 1 (1st Subject)
107-157 Bb B Episode Exposition 2 (2nd Subject)
158 - 182 Eb A Theme Exposition (1st subject)
182-263 Cm C Episode Development
264 - 316 Eb A Theme Recapitulation
316 - 386 Eb B Episode/ Coda
Key Features
Exposition 1 A-theme
- Horn Call repeated after short pause giving momentum and intensity
- Haydn breaks down main theme into motifs
- briefly pass through F-minor 12-15
- Woodwind and brass are used separately and sparingly, horns clarinets and oboes either play solo or in duet over long sustained notes creating suspense
- Haydn reduces texture bar 65 creating a bigger impact when the full orchestra finally…
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