Hamlet Acts Overview

  • Created by: __Jess
  • Created on: 07-05-23 12:27

Act 1 Scene 1:


  • Francisco, Bernardo, Marcellus and Horatio are on night watch.
  • Bernardo and Marcellus attempt to convince Horatio that they saw a ghost of the old Hamlet.
  • To Horatio's surprise, the ghost appears.
  • The ghost speaks to nobody, and eventually disappears.
  • The watchmen resolve to tell Hamlet.

Key quotes:

  • "Who's there?" - Bernardo.
  • "Tis bitter cold, and I am sick at heart." - Francisco.
  • "A piece of him." - Horatio (when asked if it is him).
  • "Let us once again assail your ears, that are so fortified against our story." - Bernardo to Horatio (metaphor).
  • "Had made his course to illume that part of heaven where now it burns." - Bernardo (about a star).
  • "Stay! Speak, speak! I charge thee, speak!" - Horatio to the ghost.
  • "This bodes some strange eruption to our state." - Horatio.
  • "It started like a guilty thing upon a fearful summons." - Horatio.
  • "The morn in russet mantle clad." - Horatio (morn meaning morning).

Key themes:

  • Disease/decay.
  • War and conflict.
  • Corruption.
  • Death.

Act 1 Scene 2:


  • Claudius makes a speech about both Hamlet's death, and his hasty marriage to Gertrude.
  • Laertes asks to go abroad, and Claudius permits this.
  • However, Hamlet is refused leave to Wittenberg.
  • Hamlet speaks his first soliloquy, remarking on the digust he holds for humanity, and how he wishes he could kill himself.
  • Horatio enters and tells Hamlet about the ghost.

Key quotes:

  • "Though yet of Hamlet our dear brother's death, the memory be green." - Claudius.
  • "One brow of woe." - Claudius.
  • "With mirth in funeral and with dirge in marriage." - Claudius.
  • "Let your haste commend your duty." - Claudius to Voltemand and Cornelius.
  • "The head is not more native to the heart... than is the throne of Denmark to thy father." - Claudius to Laertes.
  • "A little more than kin, and less than kind." - Hamlet.
  • "I am too much i' the sun." - Hamlet.
  • "All that lives must die, passing through nature into eternity." - Gertrude.
  • "Nay it is! I know not seems." - Hamlet.
  • "'Tis unmanly grief." - Claudius.
  • "Oh, that this too too solid flesh would melt," - Hamlet.
  • "Canon 'gainst self-slaughter." - Hamlet.
  • "'Tis an unweeded garden." - Hamlet.
  • "Hyperion to a satyr." - Hamlet.
  • "Frailty, thy name is woman!" - Hamlet.
  • "My lord, and your poor servant ever." - Horatio.
  • "Nor shall you do my ear that violence." - Hamlet to Horatio (when he says he came to visit as an act of truancy).
  • "The funeral baked meats did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables." - Hamlet.
  • "I doubt some foul play." - Hamlet.

Key themes

  • Disease and decay.
  • Nature.
  • Death.
  • Religion.
  • Friendship and loyalty.

Act 1 Scene 3:


  • Laertes prepares to leave for France.
  • He gives some advice to Ophelia, warning her of Hamlet's advances.
  • Polonius then gives Laertes advice about how to act.
  • THEN he gives advice to Ophelia, again, warning her about Hamlet.

Key quotes:

  • "Do not sleep, but let me hear from you…


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