Glorious Revolution - Theme 2 - Power of Parliament vs King
- Created by: Mia.A.W
- Created on: 06-06-21 14:13
KEY: = was revolutionary = not revolutionary
Bill of Rights - The Bill of Rights was a modified version of the Declaration of Indugence published in 1689.
- At their coronation William and Mary swore a different oath to previous monarchs, they swore to 'govern the people... according to the statues of Parliament'
- It was no longer possible for monarchs to claim their power came from God as their authority was approved by the people through their representatives in parliament.
- But, the Bill of Rights was vague, ambigious and simply restated what was already known to be part of the constitution - for example parliaments ought to be held frequently.
- William could still choose his own advisors and decide on issues of war, peace and foreign policy.
- It was a statue law that could be revoked by any future parliament.
- More significant aacts such as the Mutiny Act of 1698 which restricted he Kings control of the army and the Triennial Act passed in 1694 that required election to be called every three years.
Act of Settlement - To bypass potential Catholic heirs the succesion would be vested in the House of Hanover and all future monarchs were required to be members of the Church of England.
- All matters regarding the governing of Britain had to be discussed with the full Privy Council and not be decided by the monarch alone
- The Concept of divine right monarchy was severly damaged by the settlement
- Parliament could decide who the next monarch would be.
- But Revisionsist historians argue that it changed virtually nothing exept the line of…
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