Giddens' Theory of the Family
- Created by: themoderrnage
- Created on: 21-04-21 19:22
- Giddens' ideas on personal choice form part of the late modern approach to families and personal lives.
- Along with Beck and Bauman, this forms the Individualisation Thesis.
- Giddens argued that in the period of late modernity, relationships between individuals were undergoing a period of change.
Changes to Love
- Giddens saw traditional relationships as being based upon romantic love; the idealisation of people being fulfilled through falling in love.
- This led to the idea that love was forever and relationships were long-lasting.
- However, in late modernity, conflict within relationships had begun to dilute the impact of romantic love and the idealisation of relationships.
Plastic Sexuality
- The late modern era was typified by reflexivity; the ability to think and reflect upon one's own needs and a desire for self-improvement.
- This changed our perceptions of relationships; compartmentalisation of aspects of one's life.
- Led to plastic sexuality…
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