Geography useful booklet for crowded coasts
- Created by: Rose
- Created on: 13-01-14 19:37
The coastal zone is one of the most densely populated areas
globally because of favourable locational factors, yet it is an area of
immense environmental value. This topic allows students to carry
out detailed studies of contrasting coastal environments at a local/
small scale, exploring competing and conflicting land uses, and
evaluating the pressures created by development. It considers how
vulnerable and valuable coastlines face a growing physical risk from
rapid coastal erosion and coastal flooding. It provides an overview
of coastal management, looking at protection and conservation
strategies for the present and the future.
Section 1 – topic breakdown
Section 2 – revision notes
Section 3 – some case studies
Section 4 – past exam questions
Section 5 – Revision tips
Why is the coastal zone so favoured for development?
1. Understand how physical factors create variety in a range of
different coastal environments.
· Understand the range of natural (physical) factors that influence coastal environments and their value eg geology, geomorphology and ecosystems.
2. Understand the factors which have led to exponential population growth in some coastal environments.
· Flat land, soil fertility, equable climate, and biodiversity potential for fishing, recreation/tourism, industrial and port development and accessibility.
3. Develop an awareness of the exponential population growth
in accessible and popular coastal areas.
4. Be aware of the Fieldwork and research you would carry out to show how these factors have shaped the development and growth of contrasting crowded coasts over time.
How do various coastal developments create competition and conflict?
How can these pressures be resolved?
1. Know how development can lead to patterns of zoning in coastal areas and how competition for space puts pressure on coastal environments.
2. Be aware of the Fieldwork and research into the pressures on the coast when development and conservation meet head on including: the overuse of resources, pollution, other developments, the destruction of high-value coastal habitats.
3. There are economic benefits and environmental costs to coastal development which influence the success of the development equation and involve the views of stakeholders and their conflicting needs.
· Explore a suitable case study eg Dibden Bay to assess the beneficial economic impacts of development against the environmental costs (using, eg CBA and Environmental Impact Assessment)
· examining the views and objectives of interested parties (using conflict matrices and values analysis).
How is coastal development increasingly at risk from and vulnerable to
physical processes?
1. The growing level of coastal development faces increasing risks from coastal erosion and flooding because of: rapid coastal erosion along vulnerable coasts the impact of rising sea levels in areas of dense population and high value installations, particularly those that may be subject to tsunamis and storm surges.
2. Develop an awareness of how coastal environments are threatened by the growing incidence of coastal hazards…
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