General PE short course Revision
- Created by: Stephanie17
- Created on: 16-05-12 09:31
Reasons why people get involved in exercise:
There are a variety of reasons why people choose to get involved in physical activity, including:
- Makes you feel good
- For enjoyment
- To look good
- To enhance body shape
- For the adrenaline rush
- For weight control
- To be healthy
- For stress relief
- To meet people and make new friends
- To be and feel part of something such as a club or team
- For the physical challenge
- To win items such as trophies and medals
- To earn money
- Because it's compulsory (e.g. at school)
- It's doctor's advice e.g. to reduce blood pressure
A healthy active lifestyle is a mixture of different things, including eating a balanced diet, and doing regular physical activity. It helps our physical, mental and social well being.
Physical activity is any form of exercise. It can be planned and structure such as a PE lesson or unplanned and unstructured like a walk through the countryside. It helps to increase physical, mental and social well being.
Physical effects of exercise include:
- Enhancing and changing of body shape
- Better health and fitness, which could lead to less chance of becoming ill
- Improve muscle tone
- Increase life expectancy
- Offers physical challenges
Mental effects of exercise include:
- Looking good, i.e. aesthetic appreciation- the idea of seeing or valuing the beauty of movement or performance
- Stress relief
- Increased self-esteem
- helps us feel good as endorphins are released as well as more serotonin
- Can be mentally challenging
- Help us cope under pressure
- Provide a chance for competition
Social effects/benefits of exercise include:
- Encourages co-operation
- Provides an opportunity for competition
- You get to mix socially with new people
- Encourages friendships
- Teamwork
- Improving communication skills
Definitions of key terms:
Health- "a state of complete mental, physical, and social well-ebing, not merely the absence of diease or infirmity"
Exercise- "A form of activity done primarily to improve one's health and physical fitness"
Fitness- "The ability to meet the demands of the environment"
Performance- "How well as task is completed"
The five components of health related fitness:
1) Cardiovascular endurance- the ability to work the body for a long period of time without tiring
2) Muscular endurance- the ability to repetitively use the voluntary muscles for long periods of time without tiring
3) Muscular strength- how muscle force a muscle can exert against a resistance
4) Body composition- the percentage of body weight which is fat, muscle and bone
5) Flexibility- the range of movement at a joint
Crazy Men Make Birds Fly
There are fitness tests used to asses health related components:
Cardiovascular endurance:
The Harvard Step Test:
-On a 45cm high step/bench, step ups are performed for 5 minutes at a rate of 30 per minute
-Rest for 1 minute and then take your heart rate
-A score can then be generated- the higher the score, the fitter you are.
The 12 minute Cooper run:
-First warm up
-Run round a track as many times as possible in a time of 12…
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