GCSE Religious Studies
- Created by: Wasim
- Created on: 10-05-13 09:53
Believing in God Key Words:
Agnosticism - Not being sure whether god exists.
Atheism - Believing that God does not exist.
Conversion - When your life is changed by giving yourself to God.
Free Will - The idea that humans are free to make their own choices.
Miracle - Something which seems to break a law of science and makes you think only God could have done it.
Moral Evil - actions done by humans which cause suffering.
Natural Evil - Things which cause suffering but have nothing to do with humans.
Numinous - the feeling of the presence of something greater than you.
Omni-benevolent - The belief that God is all good.
Omnipotent - The belief that God is all powerful.
Omniscient - The belief that God knows everything that has happened and everything that is going to happen.
Prayer - An attempt to contact God, usually through words.
Matter of Life & Death Key Words:
Abortion - The removal of a foetus from the womb before it can survive
Assisted Suicide - Providing a seriously ill person with the means to commit suicide
Euthanasia - The painless killing of someone dying from a painful disease
Immortality of the Soul - the idea that the soul lives on after the death of the body
Near Death Experience - When someone about to die has an out of body experience
Non-voluntary Euthanasia - Ending someone's life painlessly when they are unable to ask, but you have a good reason for thinking they would want you to do it
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