From Kaiser to Fuhrer: Rise of the Nazis


Rise of the Nazis: 

Main ideas were outlined in Mein Kampf

-German nationalisation: Germany should be strong and all German speaking people should be united to help maximise their strength. To develop their power, colonial expansion into Eastern Europe was needed to create lebensbraum. Treaty of versailles should be abolished.

-Racial ideas: His ideas were based on pseudo-scientific notions, the difference between racial groups was profound and significant, and were organised into heirarchy with aryans at the top, which he felt would maximise their strength if only this group of people ruled.

-Anti Semitism: Hitler believed Jews to be a race, Aryan strength would be compromised and dilluted with breeding with jews. Also believed they were trying to sap aryan racial strength through breeding.

-Social Darwinism: Hitler also subscribed to the idea of survival of the fittest, and that it was morally right for these groups to survive.

Munich Putsch: Early 20's Hitler cultivated links with the elite and worked with Rohm to produce an armed wing of the Party the SA. Hitler attempted to overthrow the Government with Rohm and Ludendorf at his side by taking control of a conservative meeting and marching through the streets. However some of Hitlers support team spread the news and were stopped by Bavarian police. 

Wildernes Years:

-Nazis banned in Bavaria, 

-Gave Hitler time to write Mein Kampf, which helped his support after his release

-Hitler reconsidered his tactics following the Putsch, and decided to use the Weimar constitution to gain power.

After hitlers release:

-1925 convinced chancellor of Bavaria to lift the ban

-1925 small bodyguard for Hitler led by Himmler (The **) was formed

-Bamberg conference asserted his idealogy and fuhrerprinzip (Hitler should hold ultimate power and authority within the party)

-Established national party network who assisted with election campaigning

-Many party organisations would later help the Nazis take full control, such as organisations for Nazi Doctors, and an agricultural movement was also set up.

Even after Goebells tactics, they still only gained 2.6% of the vote.

Economic and political crisis in Germany:

-Following the wall street crash in October, US economy suffered severe depression. German economy relied largely on US income and therefor were affected when US investment dried up and loans were recalled.

-1931 German economy collapsed and 5 banks shut as a result

Political impact of the depression

-The Grand coolition government led by muller fell apart as the parties in the Governments dissagreed over issue of unemployment and benefits.

-Following this collapse other governments were minority administrations which did not have reichstag support

-Chancellor Brunings Government failed to get backing for his budgit, so Hindenburg dissolved the Reichstag and formed a new…


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