French Vocab List
- Created by: Jessica
- Created on: 14-04-12 18:01
le tabagisme = addiction to smoking
le tabagisme passif = passive smoking
l'alcool = alcohol
un toxicomane = drug addict
le cancer du poumon = lung cancer
un préservatif = a condom
le sexe sans protection = unprotected sex
un centre de réadaption = a rehabilitation centre
le stupéfiant = drug / narcotic
les drogues dures = hard drugs
la drogue = drugs
la toxicomanie = drug addiction
la cirrhose du foie = cirrhosis of the liver
la gueule de bois = hangover
l'ivresse = drunkenness
la conduite en état d'ivresse = drink-driving
la poussée de stupéfiants = drug-pushing
la guérison = cure
l'interdiction = ban
la boulimie = bulimie
se droguer = to take drugs
boire à l'excès = to drink to excess
fumer = to smoke
nuire à = to harm
empêcher = to prevent
répandre = to spread
Food and Drink
le vin = wine
un régime équilibré = a balanced diet
l'alcool = alcohol
un additif = additive
un gastronome = a gourmet
un repas = a meal
un en-cas = a snack
un viticulteur = wine grower
les fast-foodeurs = those who eat fast food
les boissons (f) (non-) alcoolisées = (non-) alcoholic drinks
la nourriture = food
la matière grasse = fat content
la consommation = consumption
la cuisine traditionnelle = traditional cooking
la cuisine saine = healthy cooking
la culture biologique = organic farming
la santé = health
la forme = fitness
l'anorexie = anorexia
la boulimie = bulimie
manger = to eat
boire = to drink
être au régime = to be on a diet
perdre du poids = to lose weight
maigrir = to get thinner / lose weight
devenir populaire = to become popular
le permis de conduire = driving licence
le code de la route = Highway code
un couloir de bus = a bus lane
un péage = a toll
le chemin de fer = the railway
le réseau autoroutier = the motorway network
l'excès de vitesse = speeding
un poids lourd = a HGV
un routier = lorry driver
un embouteillage = traffic jam
les transports en commun = public transport
les heures d'affluence = rush hour
la circulation = traffic
une voiture particulière = a private car
une subvention = a subsidy
la sécurité routière = road safety
une zone piétonne = pedestrian area
une piste cyclable = a cycle track
la capacité = capacity
une amende = a fine
conduire = to drive
décongestionner = to relieve congestion
réduire = to reduce
encourager = to encourage
interdire = to ban
polluer = to pollute
permettre (à) = to allow
le tourisme = tourism
l'afflux = influx of people
un estivant = holiday maker
un voyage = a trip
le circuit touristique = the tourist circuit le coût de la vie = the cost of living
un retour à la nature =…
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