Finnis' Natural Law
- Created by: emily_clark07
- Created on: 01-12-19 14:57
Finnis' Natural Law
- Aristotle (384- 322 BC) advocated that there was a natural justice valid for everyone
- Aquinas (1225- 1274)
- Natural Law = an aspect of God's eternal law
- Accessed through human rationality given by God
- John Finnis (1940- )
- Australian Philosopher of Law and Legal Philosophy at Oxford (1989- 2010)
- Author of 'Natural Law and Natural Rights' (1980)
- Accepts natural justice on a universal level
- Argues that the purpose is to ensure a person can 'flourish' in their life, unlike Aquinas
The Basic Goods
- Rejects Aquinas' primary precepts
- To allow humans to flourish there are instead seven basic, universal goods
- They are evident through practical reasoning + exist independently from human…
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