Film studies- Vertigo film notes
- Created by: sunstiny
- Created on: 21-12-20 12:39
(1958, Alfred Hitchcock, USA)
Classic Hollywood- Directors didn't have much control.
First few shots: Close up of womans face. Women are dangerous. Extreme close up of eye (RED, DANGER)
Going against the male gaze-Don't trust women.
Spirals are a key motif in this film.
Vertigo is the sensation of falling which comes with having an extreme fear of heights.
Acrophilia causes vertigo.
In her first scene, Midge is wearing white or cream, showing that she is good and innocent and not there for the audience to find attractive (Mise en scene)
Scottie is Emasculated and wears a corset. He isn't a man because he can't 'perform' on the police force anymore because of his fear so he had to quit.
Scottie calls Midge "Motherly" Showing that to him, she is more of a family figure, whereas she loves Scottie.
In Gavin Elsters first scene, we see him tell Scottie this story about his wife being possessed. It is shot at a low angle to show that Gavin gains power over Scottie, as he is at a higher angle.
He tells Scottie to meet him and his wife at Ernie's restaurant.
The resaturant is red, showing danger or love.
Madeline stands out in the resaturant because she is wearing green, the colour green has connotations of death, or suggests that she is ghostly.
Male gaze- Scottie loves Madeline.
Madeline's hair is always in a spiral bun-Motif.
Scottie saves Madelinefrom the river after she jumps in. He is fianlly a man as he has finally performed.
Madeline and Scottie swap colours. He is wearing green and she has his red shirt on. He is now confident.
Midge wears red to get the attnetion of Scottie.
Love: Midge- Mature love, sisterly love.
Madeline: Passionate, romantic love,
He should love Midge but he is in…
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