encryptions and protocols

  • Created by: rbird123
  • Created on: 02-12-20 14:10

IT  Learning Aim D - Encryption and Protocols 


Encryption is the encoding of the data so that it cannot be read directly. 

Plaintext: the original message to be encrypted

Ciphertext: the encrypted message

Encryption: the process of converting plaintext into ciphertext

Key: a piece of information or a random string used for scrambling and unscrambling data

 Encryption algorithm: the formula for encrypting the plain text.

Symmetric Encryption 

The Caesar cipher is a very simple example of symmetric encryption. In this type of encryption, the same key is used to both encrypt and decrypt the data. However, a great weakness is that if the key is discovered by a hacker, the hacker can decrypt messages without this being detected by either the sender or the receiver.  

Symmetric encryption is also known as private key encryption because the key is theoretically only known to the sender and recipient .

Asymmetric Encryption

Also known as end-to-end encryption, this is much more secure technique. They two


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