Elizabethan Threats


The Northern Rebellion, 1569-70

This was the only significant rebellion of Elizabeth's reign. Took place mainly in Durham and North Riding of Yorkshire.

Headed by leading northern nobility, earls of Northumberland and Westmorland. Genuine religious fervour among leaders and participants. Rebel leaders also had political motives. Considered themselves dishonoured by having been displaced from their traditional role of controlling northern gov. Also proposed that it was tied in with conspiracy involving Norfolk, who wanted to marry MQS.

Rebellion began on 9 Nov. Marched on Durham and heard Mass (shows Catholic character). Then marched on York, no attempt to capture it. Moved back into county of Durham and besieged Crown's stronghold of Barnard Castle. However, when news of a Crown force reached the leaders, they disbanded and fled to Scotland. 

Rebellion failed because: hopeless disorganisation, lack of clarity concerning objectives, poor leadership, lack of expected foreign support and decisive action by authorities. 

Cecil spend huge amounts on the matter, exposed the problems of…


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