England 1547–1603: the Later Tudors Timeline

  • Created by: NotaBene
  • Created on: 31-03-19 19:49

England 1547–1603: the Later Tudors Timeline


JANUARY: Death of Henry VIII, Regency Council established, Somerset Lord Protector

JULY: Book of Homilies and royal injuctions

NOVEMBER: Dissolutions of Chantries


FEBRUARY : Images to be removed

APRIL: Murder of William Body, Helston

JUNE: Commision of enquiry to investigate enclosure

SUMMER : Rural riotes

Council object to Somerset's policies and Enclosure Commission

DECEMBER: First Book Of Common Prayer


JANUARY: First Act of Uniformity 

MAY: Unrest Hampshire, Somerset, Wiltershire

JUNE: New Prayer Book introduced

JULY: Kett's rebellion and uprising in Yorkshire, Northamptonshire, Bedfordshire, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire

AUGUST: Exeter revlieved by Lord John Russel

Defeat of Western rebels at Sampford Courtenay

Defeat of Kett at Dussinadale

OCTOBER: Coup removes Somerset

1549-1590 : Struggle to control Privy


JANUARY :New Ordinal

FEBRUARY : Northumberland becomes Lord President of the Council

NOVEMBER : Stone alters to be replaced with wooden tables


 JANUARY: Execution of Somerset

APRIL: Second Book of Uniformity

NOVEMBER: Forty - Two Articles


 MAY: Northumberland's son marries Lady Jane Grey 

JUNE: Devise to exclude Mary Tudor

JULY: Edward VI dies, Lady Jane Grey proclaimed queen

Mary Tudor defeats Lady Jane Grey and becomes queen

AUGUST: Northumberland excuted

SEPTEMBER: Arrest of  Cramner, Latimer, Hooper and Ridley, Act of repeal


JANUARY:  Wyatts rebellion

FEBRURAY: Wyatt arrested, Elizabeth imprisoned 

MARCH: Royal injuctions

April: Hersey Laws passed

JULY: Mary marries Phillips of Spain

NOVEMBER: Pole returns, Second Act of Repeal, end of excommunication 


FEBRARY:  John Rogers, first protestant martyr

OCTOBER: Latimer and Ridley burned for heresy

DECEMBER: Cramner deprived


MARCH: Pole appointed Archbishop of Canterbury, Cranmer burned

1557: JUNE:  Pole recalled to Rome on charges of heresy…


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