Electrophilic Substitution
- Created by: Harriet Andrew
- Created on: 05-05-11 17:00
Electrophilic Substitution
Electrophilic substitution reactions are reactions in which an electrophile displaces a group in a compound, usually, but not always Hydrogen.
There are two types of electrophilic substitution:
- Electrophilic aromatic substitution - in electrophilic substitution in aromatic compounds (compounds involving an aromatic benzene ring) an atom appended to the aromatic ring (usually hydrogen) is replaced by an electrophile. The most important reactions of this type are aromatic nitration, aromatic halogenation, aromatic sulfonation and acylation and alkylating Friedel-Crafts reactions.
- Electrophilic aliphatic substitution - In electrophilic substitution in aliphatic compounds (basically, any organic carbon compounds which don't involve a benzene ring) an electrophile displaces a functional group. This reaction is very similar to it's nucleophilic partner (nucleophilic aliphatic…
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