Education And Ethnicity
- Created by: Katieelliott12d
- Created on: 30-12-17 14:17
Evidence on achievement and under achievement among minority ethnic groups
Highest achieving groups-
- Chinese and Indian Asian pupils consistently have higher levels of attainment and make the highest progress in school
- They are more likely to ahieve five or more GCSE grades A*-C
- They are more likely to stay in higher education
Lowest achieving groups-
- Black Caribbean, Pakistani, Bangledeshi and traveller pupils have lower grades
- They have below average reading skills
- They start of primary in school below white british students
- less likely to get five A*-C GCSE grades
- Black Caribbeans are over represented in special need schools
- There isn't a closing gap of educational achievement since 1990's in the UK
- Black Carribbean's are more likely to be permantly excluded from schools
- Over represented in lower streams
- More likely to leave school with no qualifications
Explanations for Ethnic group differences
Social Class and Material Factors-
- minority ethnic groups are more likely to live in low income households
- in 2012/13 two-fifths of ethnic minorities were living in poverty- twice the rate of white british people-----> 1/3 black caribbeans, 1/2 Pakistani and bangladeshi
- more likely to be unemployed and live in the poorest areas with the greatest concentration of social problems
- ethnic minorities face more problems like poor housing, overcrowding , unemployment and a general material disadvantage
- material deprivation,e langauge differences, cultural deprivation, lack of social and cultural capital, teacher attitudes, teacher expectaions/labelling and the self fulfilling prophecy all conribute to the differences
- Gilborn and Mirza 2000- point out that while social class remains the main influence on educaional attainment, social class differrences to not over ride the influence of ethnic inequality
- 18% of children at primary school and 13% at secondary school did not have english as their first language according to official stats published in 2013
- language differences may cause difficulties in doing some school work and communicating with the teacher
- The use of non-standard english and a heavy accent may be inconsciously penalized in the classroom
- The swan report found that, while language differences cause a slight issue they were or little importance and DFES 2005 found that impact of language decreases as they get older
Family life and Parental support-
- The Swan report and Pilkington 1997 found that ethnic minorities ethnic groups enjoy greater parental support and specifically Asain have a more tight- knit family with higheraspirations of their children
- Lupton 2004 suggests that lower working class white…