Early Elizabethan England
- Created by: abbiedye
- Created on: 21-07-18 21:33
What religion was Elizabeth I?
- She was a Protestant but kept Catholic symbols (crucifix)
Who was Elizabeth's father?
- Henry VIII of England
Who was Elizabeth's sister? What was her religion? Who was she previously married to? Why were her actions a problem for Elizabeth?
- Mary I
- Catholic
- Philip of Spain
- She killed many Protestants - nicknamed 'Bloody Mary'
Who was Elizabeth's cousin? What religion was she?
- Mary Queen of Scots
- Catholic
Give four problems that faced Elizabeth when she became Queen
- Legitimacy - parents weren't married when she was born
- Gender - prove herself - patriarchal society
- Marriage - questioned the ability to rule - men were more powerful
- Experience - no experience of war
Which countries were a threat to Elizabeth? Explain why for each one
- Spain - Mary married Philip of Spain
- Scotland - Mary Queen of Scots had claimed the English throne
- France - Mary Queen of Scots married to King Francis II of France
Who are the Puritans? Why did they not trust Elizabeth?
- Radical Protestants
- Churches were basic - Elizabeth kept Catholic symbols
Why did Catholics not like Elizabeth? Why was this a problem for Elizabeth?
- Against protestants (Elizabeth)
- Dad and sister = Catholic
- Difficult to unite the religions
What were the three parts of Elizabeth's religious settlement? What did they do?
- Act of Uniformity - everyone to attend church
- Clergy to teach the Royal Supremacy
- Pilgrimages and monuments to 'fake' miracles were banned
Why was Mary Queen of Scots a problem for Elizabeth? What did Elizabeth do to Mary Queen of Scots?
- She was Henry VII's great-granddaughter and Elizabeth I's second cousin (claim…
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