Discuss gender bias in psychology [16 marks]
- Created by: mbatchelor10
- Created on: 28-03-17 10:51
Hare-Mustin and Marecek (1988)
proposed there are 2 ways in which theories can be biased:
- alpha bias: when theories assume there are differences between men and women - however, an issue with alpha bias is that it devalues one gender compared to another
- beta bias: when theories assume both genders are the same (usually women act the same as men) - however, an issue with beta bias is that it ignores the needs of one gender
the aim is to produces theories that have universality:
- universality: the aim to develop theories that apply to all people - the solution is recognising differences but not assigning superiority of one gender over another
An issue with the majority of psychological studies and psychologist is that they are all male-based. The term for this is androcentrism.
- androcentrism: where theories produced are centred or focused on men with often the neglect or exclusion of women
- however, on the other hand, there is estrocentrism where theories are focused on women and exclude men
Feminist Psychology:
- focuses more on…
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