Crime and Deviance Overview [full]


Unit 4: Crime & Deviance with Theory & Methods

Curriculum Overview


Topic 1: Sociological Theories of Crime and Deviance

You are expected to know each theory in-depth, the evaluations of each theory and also how they compare and contrast with other theories. These are to be applied across all other topics within Unit 4.

·       Functionalism

·       Marxism

·       Radical Criminology

·       Left and Right Realism

·       Interactionism

·       Postmodernism

·       Subcultural

·       Feminism: Radical, Liberal, Marxist, Difference

·       Measurements of Crime: Police-Recorded Crime, British Crime Survey, Self-Report Studies


Topic 2: Distribution of Crime: Age, Gender, Ethnicity, Location


·       Official statistics – changing patterns

·       Age crime curve

·       Statistical evidence of offending and victimisation

·       Subcultural theories and youth crime



·       Official statistics – changing patterns

·       Policing and Criminal Justice System (chivalry thesis, double deviance)

·       Men v Women in terms of crime and victimisation

·       Gender role socialisation

·       Biological Theories

·       Sex Role Theory (Functionalism)

·       Feminist perspectives (Patriarchal control, Heidensohn, Gender Deal, Carlen)

·       Opportunity

·       Liberationist Theory

·       Masculinity (Winlow – Sunderland Bouncers)

·       Edgework (Lyng)

·       Seductions of Crime (Katz - Postmodernism)



·       Official statistics – changing patterns

·       Institutional Racism in Policing (Canteen culture, Labelling, Stop & Search, typical delinquent, MacPherson Report, Scarman Report)

·       Left Realism

·       Poverty and Social Exclusion

·       Neo-Marxism: Gilroy “Myth of Black Criminality”, Hall et al Crisis of Capitalism (Mugging)

·       Triple Quandary Theory (Sewell)

·       Subcultural Theories

·       Statistical Artefact Approach


Location (Ecological explanations)

·       Inner city v Rural crime

·       Social Disorganisation Theory (Shaw & McKay)

·       Tipping (Baldwin & Bottoms)



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