Community Cohesion: The UK as a multi ethnic society
- Created by: Chloe
- Created on: 12-05-13 17:49
Community Cohesion
The UK as a multi-ethnic society
Discrimination-Treating people less favourably because of their ethnicity/gender/colour/class.
Ethnic Minority-a member if an ethnic group(race) which is much smaller than the majority group
Multi-ethnic society-many different races and cultures living together in one society.
Prejudice-believing some people are inferior or superior without even knowing them.
Racism- the belief that some ethic groups are superior to others.
The problems of discrimination and racism
- Racially prejudiced employers will not give jobs to certain ethnic groups, religously prejudice employers will not give jobs to certain religous groups.
- Prejudiced landlordd are likely to refuse accomodation to certain ethnic groups or religions.
- If teachers are prejudcied against certain ethnic minorities or religous groups, they might discriminate in their teaching so that those pupils do not achieve the results of which they are capable.
- Prejudiced police officers could potentilly…
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