Cognitive gender explanations
- Created by: Former Member
- Created on: 09-03-14 20:43
➡Damon- older children thought a doll-happy boy was wrong and unusual, while younger children accepted it
➡McConaghy- younger children recognised a character's gender by appearance, not genitals
➡Munroe et al.- kids in different countries still move through the same stages of gender development
➡Bradford et al.- kids aged 4-9 spent more time with toys 'associated' with their sex
➡Slaby and Frey- older children watched their same-gender role model on a screen, while younger kids watched both genders
➡Martin and Halverson- 5-6 year olds recalled schema consistent images, but distorted inconsistent images, e.g. a girl holding a gun
➡Marcus and…
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