City of God and La Haine notes on Violence


Violence and death in the City of God

Violence and death scenes in the 60’s- past

·         The scene in the exposition of the film is less violent as Rocket and Lil’ Ze are younger.

·         The Tender Trio are introduced as the more violent characters as they have guns and hold up a truck and rob it, however Rocket mentions that they are only amateurs.

·         The violence is developed when they rob people in the motel. However, the Tender Trio does not kill anyone there but Lil’ Dice (Lil’ Ze when older) does, but the trio gets framed and blamed for the murder.

·         The audience doesn’t know of Lil’ Dice’s part until Rocket tells the audience a quick brief of Lil’ Dice changing his name to Lil’ Ze. The montage of low angle shots of the victims being killed by Lil’ Dice shows him growing up. He keeps the same sinner expression in the montage, which shows that he has not changed and he has achieved his goal to become a notorious gang leader in the City of God.

Violence and death scenes in the 70’s- present

·         The death of Benny seems horrific and sudden because he is shown as a genuine guy, but also Lil’ Ze showing his emotion of sadness and partially anger with himself/ to


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