Business Studies Unit 4 Topic 2
- Created by: Alissa_Zorina
- Created on: 18-06-17 10:22
Topic 2: Changing Global Economy
Changes in trade doe after Second World War:
- The rise of regional trading blocs - EU and NAFTA lead to trade creation between members, but countries outside of it suffered from trade diversion
- De-industrialisation in many advanced economies - advanced economies experienced less national output generated by their manufacturing sectors
- Increased participation of former communist countries - collapse of communism led to communist countries open up to trade
- Emergence of China and India - these countries dramatically increased their share of world trade and share of manufacturing exports
Indicators of growth:
1.) Economic Growth - this is and increase in real GDP or in productive potential of a country; measured by assessing growth in GDP or GDP per capita
2.) Economic Development - measure of increase in living standards of people in a country; can be measured in Human Development Index (HDI); determined by:
- Income per head
- Levels of education
- Healthcare
- Access to housing
- Access to phone, internet etc.
Key players - emerging economies - BRICS ( Brazil, Russia, India, China & South Africa)
What makes these countries economically powerful?
- Population size - large population provides a huge market for manufactured goods and provides cheap labour for foreign firms
- Economic growth - China and India have enjoyed economic growth above 10% which created opportunities for businesses from all over the world
- Increased purchasing power - in China and India middle class income has increased which lead to an increase in demand for luxury products; increased…
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