British society notes 1951-2007
- Created by: LU,KTGFVW
- Created on: 24-05-16 17:55
British society notes 1951-2007
1951 – 64
· Britain in 1951 was a country still moulded by the second world war
· There was wide spread visible signs of war damage
· Wartime rationing was only just coming to an end
· Young men had to spend 2 years in national service
· Much of British social life looked like the past
· Regional and class loyalties where strong; it was usually easy to recognise people’s origins and social background from their dress or accent
· These class attitudes were reinforced by the familiar stereotypes that featured in films and on the radio
· Yet again British society in 1951 was not static or frozen in time
· The experiences of the war had caused significant social change; so had the introduction of the welfare state in the post-war years
Demographic change, 1951-64:
· 3 key factors created demographic change in Britain after 1951
· The first was health and life expectancy
o Birth rates ran consistently ahead of death rates throughout the post-war era
o Medical treatment improved under the welfare state; standards of nutrition and hygiene also improved steadily
· The second factor was inward migration
o There was a continuing flow of arrives from the Irish Republic
o Starting in 1948 about 250000 immigrants arrived in Britain from the west indies and other parts of the new commonwealth
· There was also considerable outmigration from Britain
o In the 1950s, Australia was particularly keen to attract new citizens, offering assisted passages and help with jobs and housing
o There was also a steady flow of British emigrants to North America
o In the 1950s Britain received a total of 676000 immigrants seeking permanent residence, while 1.32 million left for a new life abroad
· Population change was not only a question of numbers
· It was also a matter of how and where people lived
· The difference in town and country was much more sharply drawn
· The countryside was still dominated by agriculture and rural areas were not yet faced by the creeping urbanisation that was to threaten village life latter on
· Most people lived in communities with a strong sense of local identity, close to their extended families
· This situation was about to change, as various forms of social mobility, above all the impact of mass car ownership, started to drain the population away from town centres
· Britain’s infrastructure was run down and badly needed modernising
· Another important factor is housing
· There was a desperate need for housing development to replace war damage and deal with the decay of house stock that had been neglected for the previous decade
· From 1951, the conservative government set the ambitious target of building 300000 new homes every year
· Local…
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