Breathing rhythms
- Created by: ncs1997
- Created on: 20-04-15 17:49
When you exerice your muscle cells need more oxygen and so the repsiratory system has to respond and homeostasis is maintained as a result of more negative feedback systems.
A certain amount of air is always present in the respiratory system, filling up the spaces when no air is flowing. Otherwise the volume of air drawn in and out of the respiratory system is very variable.
- Tidal volume - volume of air that enters and leaves lungs at resting breath.
- Inspiratory reserve volume - volume of air that can be taken in over and above the normal tidal volume. It's the extra air you take in when you breathe in as deeply as possible.
- Expiratory reserve volume - volume of air that can be expelled over and above the normal tidal volume. It's the extra air breathed out when you force the air out of your lungs.
- Vital capacity - the total of the tidal volume and reserves.
- Residual volume - volume of air left in the lungs after strongest possible expiration.
- Total lung capacity - sum of vital capacity and residual volume.
- Inspiratory capacity - sum of tidal volume and inspiratory reserve volume.
Venilation rate (rate of breathing) (dm3 min-1) = tidal volume x frequency of inspiration
The ventilation of the lungs needs to supply all the oxygen required by all the tissues of the body and remove the waste carbon dioxide. The rate is affected by 2 things, the amount of air taken into…
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