Blood Brothers
Teacher recommended
?- Created by: Emily O
- Created on: 21-04-11 17:36
- No money for milk man
- The kids are starving
- "living one the never never"
- No money to pay for the things bought out the catalouge
- "havn't got a hat to tilt at the world"
- Free school lunches
- "He's a poshy "
- Sweet sharing
- "Your not the same as him"
- Social class keeps them apart splits them and kills them (Mickey and Edward)
- Police man isn't nice to Mrs J but is nice to Mr L
- Families
Mental illness-
- Mickey needs the pills (act 2) for his depresssion
- Mrs L has metal issuse incase the brothers find out the are brothers or incase Mr L finds out the truth/ she can't cope
- Mrs L tries to kill Mrs J
Relationships between men and women-
- Mickey loves Linda
- Edward also love Linda
- Mr J…
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