Black and Tan Fantasy by Duke Ellington
- Created by: Olivia Grace Matthews
- Created on: 09-06-15 10:20
For a Question about Duke Ellington and/or New York Jazz...
Black and Tan Fantasy
- Written in 1927 to play in The Cotton Club in New York as it appealed to white people.
- Based on the ballad 'The Holy City' by Stephen Adams. Original in a major key = ironic as it is now in a minor key. (Bb Minor)
- Handpicked his players and wrote for them individually, now bigger ensembles
- Jungle sounds and growls to entertain white audiences.
- Based around 12 Bar blues sequence
1st Solo - Bubber Miley's Trumpet Solo (Chorus 1)
- used 'blue' minor 3rds and 7ths.
- More dissonant clashes
- 2 octaves = range
- …
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