Black American Civil Rights 1917-80
- Created by: TeganLM
- Created on: 04-04-19 16:46
Why fight for civil rights?
- segregation of public facilities (Plessy v Ferguson 1896)- upheld the separate but equal doctrine
- however: facilites for black americans were often significantly worse
- discrimination in work and public services
- lynch mobs and KKK attacks- 339 black men lynched in Texas 1885-1942
- 25 anti-black race riots 1919- hundreds killed
Life in the South
- life often much worse for Black Americans in the South
- De jure segregation rather than 'de facto' as in the North
- Jim Crow laws- segregation and discrimination
- Black Americans often barred from voting: grandfather clause: could only vote if your grandfather had been able to vote
- Literacy test: black Americans often given harder passages to read and write than white Americans
- Poll tax: BAC were prevented from having high-paid/ high-powered jobs- segregation and discrimination kept them in lower income brackets: less able to pay the poll tax
- By 1917: no. of Black Americans able to vote in Louisiana fell from around 130,000 in 1896 to around 1,500 in 1905
Lynching and the KKK
- KKK revived in 1915 after the film 'The Birth of the Nation' portays KKK members as community heroes
- Between 1915 and 1930: 579 black men lynched, mostly in the South
- Photos of lynchings were widely published
- 1955: 14-year old Emmett Till is brutally murdered in Mississippi for allegedly offending a white woman (asking her on a date)
- By 1925: KKK membership was an estimated 5.5 million in the US
- In rural communities: KKK members created an anti-black sentiment
Did the Federal government intervene in the South?
- Black Americans lost political power and influence when they were prevented from voting
- 1896: Supreme Court decision upholds segregation in Plessy v Ferguson (seperate but equal)
- President Wilson- no problem with segregation
- Harding- spoke out against lynching and broadly in favour of civil rights (however: laissez-faire non-interventionist policies)
- After the Depression began: Presidents unwilling to intervene and focused on economic issues
Northern Migration, 1917-32
- between 1917-32: wave of migration of black Americans from the South to the North- segregation only de facto
- By 1930: around 1.3 million black Americans had left the South
- began after entry of US into WW1: need for cheap, unskilled labour in mutitions factories in the North
- Factory owners advised work in the South
- Black Americans found work and accomodation, but wages were lower than that of white workers and living conditions often cramped and squalid
- not all landlords even accepted black tenants
- some aspects of improvement: some black americans became professionals, could vote and were elected to local and federal government
Impact of Northern Migration on cities
- sharp population increases
- black Americans had increased political influence after obtaining the vote
- powerful business-oriented black elite developed
- only in cities where black communities coincided with voting blocs- in cities where the black population was more evenly distributed- white politicians had a tighter hold on the politics of the city
- churches in areas with Black American populations were significant bases for organising civil rights movements
- some white workers were dislodged, especially those…