Bismarck, Weimar Republic and Kaiserreich
- Created by: hibaq8
- Created on: 17-05-16 19:14
- 1866- 6 weeks at sadowa- peace of prague- annexed 5 states- S-H, Nossau, Hanover and Frankfurt.
- 1870- Franco-Prussian war- Treaty of Frankfurt- received £200,000 in reparations.
- 1871- unification of Germany
- Kulturkampf in 1871- Reasons- Catholics were a "state within a state"
- He saw them as Reichsfeinde.
- Paris Commune
- They encouraged minorities which went against Bismarck's germinisation policy.
- He had encouraged Poles to speak Polish in Polish predominant areas.
- Syllabus of Error in 1864- said that the Church was against Nationalism, Liberalism and 'new Civilisation'.
- Papal infallibility in 1870- the Pope is correct on all matters.
- Centre party was set up in 1870- gained 93 seats in 1877 and in 1878 it was 94 and 100 in 1881. They became the largest party in 1874 by gaining 91 seats.
- May Laws in 1873- 1400 parishes without clergy
- Catholic section of the Prussian ministry of education was abolished.
- Civil marriage was compulsory- death and birth certificates were controlled by state.
- Clergymen had to go to university for 3 years.
- Jesuits expelled from Germany.
- Failure- Created an alliance with the Centre party- enemies.
- Reintroduced tariffs- sympathised with agriculturalists- Junker Landowners.
- Carr notes that the campaign had "seriously weakened" the empire and "only succeeded in deepening the confessional divisions in Germany".
- 1878-9- Industrial expansion- 42,869km's railway- exposed farmers to competition- tariffs gave them finances.
- Rivers were more accessible- including the Ruhr, Rhine and Elbe.
- Cartes increased to 70.
- More universities in Germany than in the world.
- Trained work force
- Steel 2million and coal 41 million tonnes
- Enterprising Farmer
- Urban population growth- 36-42% in 1890. New Labour Force- adaptable skills.
- Anti-Socialist Law in 1878- Reason- SPD were gaining massive support. 1875 Gotha Programme- freedom of speech, press, assembly and association.
- "Socialism like Catholicism had allegiances beyond the Nation state which Bismack could neither understand nor tolerate".
- They had 47 newspapers- socialist propaganda would draw German peope to join them. They would be more likely to vote for them in elections.
- Socialist vote nearly doubled in 1878-1887.
- In 1880 600 socialists were arrested.
- 67 Socialists were kicked out of Berlin(1879), Breslau(1879), Hamburg(1880) and Leipzig(1881).
- Many Socialists went to USA.
- Membership of Trade Unions reached 278,000 in 1890.
- 'Social Democrat' was smuggled through Germany using 'Red Postmaster'.
- Secret meetings were hed in Switzerland in 1880 and in Denmark in 1883 and 1887.
- The SPD encouraged loyalty from members by organising courses, sports clubs etc.
- State Sociaism in 1880's- Reason- wanted "to reconcile the working class to the authority of the state"- Williamson.
- 1883- 3million workers received Sickness Insurance
- 1884- 7 million workers received Accident Insurance in 1886.
- 1889- Old Age and Validity- 70 year olds and over.
- Massie- "had given the working class the most advanced social legislation in the world".
- Disagreements between Kaiser and Wilhelm II- 'personal rule'- Bismarck wanted to reinstate the 1852 Prussian Cabinet Order so that ministers would have to got through Bismarck not Wilhelm.
- Foreign policy- Russian Balkan Manouever- he stopped the Kaiser going to Russia for talks because…
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