Beethoven's concerto in D-Maj
- Created by: ellie g
- Created on: 07-05-12 13:13
Beethoven's Concerto in D-Maj
- Written for solo Violinist Franz Clement for a charity concert
- Written after the Violin was greatly developed with a lengthened neck, increased sounding length of strings, more between notes and more practical higher notes, a modern bow made by Francois Tourte which was more balanced, curved inwards, with more hair and weight at the bottom.
- Written between the classical and Romantic period
Bars Key Section
1-88 D Expostion 1 (tutti)
89 - 224 D Exposition 2 (Solo)
224-364 A-C-Dm Development
365-510 D Recapitulation
510 D Cadenza
511-535 D Coda
Musical Features
Exposition 1 (tutti)
- D-major
- Orchestra only
- main material laid out
- Strong timpani motif of 5 crotchets used throughout to create unity
- woodwind melody follows
- B.10 there is a strange D# creating suspense
- No perfect cadence ending on…