Assessment of both Solicitors and Barristers


Assessment of Solicitors and Barristers
There is little doubt that the two professions are merging closer and closer and the differences between them are significantly reduced. The introductions of Direct Access to barristers and the introduction of the Solicitor’s Higher Rights of Audience Regulations 2010 mean that there is little difference in the professions. The Legal Services act of 2007 allows the professions to work together.

In terms of complaints, the Legal Services Act 2007 took away the complaints mechanisms for the professions governing bodies.  i.e the law society and bar council set up and independent complaints department. It is hoped that the Office for Legal Complaints and the Legal Ombudsman will stop the delays with dealing with the complaints. The increase in powers given to the Ombudsman ensures those who complain are more likely to get impartial and just decision, including a reasonable amount of compensation.

There are still major criticisms


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