AQA AS History His1M Progressivism 1900-1919
- Created by: Izzy
- Created on: 13-05-13 18:10
How important was Roosevelt in the Progressive movement between 1900 and 1919?
· Conservation: Newlands Act 1902- raised money from land sales to finance irrigation projects
He established a national conservation commission in 1908, set aside 148 million acres to protect timber reserves
· Roosevelt and big business: Trustbuster- filed 44 antitrust actions against many of the country’s largest corporations such as the Northern Securities Company (controlled stock of several railroad companies)
Elkin’s Act 1903- made secret railroad rebates illegal
Hepburn Act 1906- strengthened power of interstate commerce commission by increasing membership from 5 to 7 and issuing them with the power to set maximum rates
· Social reform: Pure Food and Drug Act said that all food had to be properly labelled
Meat Inspection Act 1908- in response to…
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