Business Studies Unit 3 topic 3
- Created by: Alissa_Zorina
- Created on: 11-06-17 16:31
Strategic & Tactical Decisions
Investment Appraisal - or capital budgeting is the process of evaluating whether or not to invest in a project.
Investment - expenditure on capital goods; business invest in short term hoping it will increase profits in long term; invest whenever they buy fixed assets.
- Payback method
- Average rate of Return (A.R.R)
- Net Present Value (N.P.V)
1. Payback Method time taken for project to recover initial cash invested; for companies focused on liquidity
- Easy to calculate and understand
- Puts emphasis on liquidity - key element to healthy capital
- Investment risk is increased id payback is longer due to future uncertainty; gives priority to shorter payback period to reduce risks
- Ignores cash generated after payback; may reject highly profitable projects
- Doesn't account for time value of money; interest rate
- Unable to give a decision for projects with the same payback period
2. Average Rate of Return - compares profit/average annual return of an investment with the cost of investment
ARR = average annual returns profits ÷ initial cost of investment x100
- Provides easy way to rank competing projects judging by their rate of return
- Possible to measure profitability of a project
- Doesn't account for time value of money
- Doesn't consider time for recovery of initial investment
3.) Net Present Value - accept projects with positive NPV; reject projects with negative NPV
NPV = sum of present value — initial cost
- Takes in account time value of money
- Takes into account all the cash flows over the life of investment
- Cash flows used in the calculations are mere estimates
- NPV’s cannot be compared where capital costs of projects are different
Decision Trees - a technique of making decisions in conditions of uncertainty
- Highlights decisions and every factor affecting it
- Forces management to consider every risk involved in decision making
- There is a time lag between making the decision and collecting information about the project
- Ignores qualitative aspects
- Data are mere estimates
Contribution - difference between selling price & various costs
Critical Path Analysis (CPA) - project management tool that helps to manage the flow of activities and resources in a project to make sure it’s completed on time.
- Earliest Starting time (EST) - earliest starting time activity van be started without delaying a project
- Latest Finish time (LFT) - latest time an activity can be finished without delaying project completion
- Float - amount of time an activity can be delayed by without delaying a project
- Plans a project in advance & shows what resources will need to be used and at what time
- Helps to identify critical and non-critical activities to ensure the project is completed on time
- CPA ensures number and efficient use of resources
- Facilitates taking of correctional actions if performance falls before schedule
- Highly depends on accuracy of the information used
- Requires time and costly expertise
Business Contingency planning - a back up to the original plan
- Minimises the effects of unforeseen risks by…
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