Aeneid book 11 notes
- Created by: jacksie
- Created on: 25-05-21 18:57
Laeta Fortuna Invidit - Four different understandings of the deified concept of Fortuna - disepnse goodwill according to meritocratic criteria - Cosmic principle of chaos, embodying the principle of chance - Anthropomorphised vertsion of chaos, endowing fate with the capcity to feel envy, a revelation of godly avarice, In hellensitic period, cosmic balance, counterbalancing fortune with misfortunes, targedy and triumph- emodied with the death of Marcellus, heir apparent must die so that Rome is not theomachic- figure of dido
Nos...vocant - By now he knoes he is on call when the fates beckon him, formulation recalls when Sibyl when telling him aboiut hte y=the fateful Golden Bough
Horrida belli - Both Sybil and Virgil use horridus as an attribute of war - 6.87 bella, horrida bella- poignantly evokes his continuing struggle with his destiny - generate more dreadful slaughter on me
Quaenam vos tanto foruna indigna, Latini - Opening gambit is a twofold apolgetic thrust - says he always ahd friendly intentions, but also does not blame huis counterparts outright - goodess fortuna always handy to play to downplay human responisbility - Aeneas excuplates himself whereas his hands are tied by supernatural strings, his counterparts operate in a realm of contingency
Nec Veni, nisi fata locum sedemque dedissent - Incorrect grammar, conditional sequence, perfect indicative - pluperfect subjunctive - demonstrates Aeneas' conflicting out look, caught as he is in the counterfactual ideal
Vivendo vici mea fata - paradoxical formulation it turns it head on the idea that none is able to outlive thei allotted time on eath, and the unnatural notion that the natural order of a mortals destiny has been broken , runs together ht eidea of life/winning and death/destiny.
fortunaeque locus - Teh foundation of Rome Aeneas place in histor is in the bag, whether Turnus lives or dies , rome will be founded. Bad fortune to leave your friends to die unavenged
War and Peace
Primitiae - The god defiant recipient of first fruit offerings has himself transformed into a first fruit offer to a god. Virgil exploits the perversion of agriculture imagery in bitter cynical recognition of the destructiveness of what Aeneas has been doing. The spoils are termed first-agriculutural fruits; offerings that issue from war and destruction are cloaked in the language of production and peace. Aneneas recognises his ghastly parody and labels it accordingly as exultant irony.
Acheronte sub imo - Greek term, designates one of the rivesr in the underworld, brings to mind Aneeas' visit in Aeneid 6. His unique autopsy of underworld topography endows his discourse with special authority.
Quae Sanguine nobis hanc patriam peperere suo - The italian allies through their selfless sacrifice have created a new homeland for the trojans. The deictic pronoun hanc shows there is no going back, they have paid for this in blood pectore - The cult of militarist courage fetishes the noble world in front- getting hit in the chest ultimate form of time
cuspidis Ausoniae - gentive vulnus means source of…
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