A2- Othello's Racism Quotes and Essay Plan.
- Created by: Chitralekha Jeebodhun
- Created on: 19-06-12 19:11
It could be argued that Othello is a play about class and racial prejudice.
The colors of "black and white" creates a symbolic and metaphoric meaning contributing to the issue of racial prejudice"
Here is some quotes that shows racism:
- "what a full fortune does the thick lips owe."
- "he'll have his daughter covered with Barbary horse, you'll have your nephews neigh to you."
- "making beasts with two backs."
- "an old black ram tupping your white ewe."
- Iago refers to Othello's "blackness."
- Gets called "The Moor" 58 times in the play.
- "If she be black, and there to have a wit, she'll find white in her blackness."
- "Nature erring from itself."
- "Florentine." Cassio is a foreigner.
-Critics argue that "One have had to live through the experience of a black man man in a racist society…
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