A2 AQA CHEM4 3.4.5
- Created by: Nuha
- Created on: 23-04-14 12:49
3.4.5 Compounds containing the carbonyl group
Aldehydes and Ketones
· Aldehydes –COH
· Ketones –CO-
· 1o alcoholsàaldehydesàcarboxylic acids
· 2o alcoholsàketones
o Ketones resist further oxidation
· Tollen’s reagent and heat
o Aldehydes form a silver mirror but ketones do not react
o This is because the aldehyde is oxidised to a carboxylic acid here
· Fehling’s’ solution and heat
o Aldehydes form a brick red ppt whereas ketones do not react
· Adding K2Cr2O7/H+ causes a colour change from orange (+6) to green (+3) as 1o alcohols and 2o alcohols are oxidised to form aldehydes and ketones
· Turning aldehydes/ketones back into alcohols is a reduction process
o Reversal of oxidation
o Uses NaBH4 as the reducing agent [H] as it can reduce carbonyl compounds
o LiAlH4 could also be used
o The [H] form H- ions which can act as nucleophiles and attach the carbon in the carbonyl group to form alcohols
§ The C=O bond is very polar since O is a lot more electronegative than C
o CH3COCH3 + 2[H] à CH3CHOHCH3
· Aldehydes and ketones react with HCN/KCN to produce hydroxynitriles
§ 2-hydroxypropanenitrile
o CN- has a lp and acts as a nucleophile in nucleophilic addition
· HCN is a colourless gas which is toxic as it stops cells from respiring
· Hydroxynitriles can have a chiral carbon and therefore show optical activity
Carboxylic acids and esters
· Carboxylic acids are weak acidsà high pKa
· They react with carbonates to produce CO2 (effervescence), H…
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