A2 AQA CHEM4 3.4.11
- Created by: Nuha
- Created on: 23-04-14 13:19
3.4.11 Structure Determination
Mass spectrometry
· Analysis of gaseous mixtures of compounds and elements
· Ionisation, acceleration, deflection, detection
· Base peak is caused by the most abundant ion
· Molecular ion peak is caused by the molecular ion of the compound (i.e. when one molecule of the compound loses an e- and becomes a cation)
o If an element has isotopes, there is more than one molecular ion peak
o Usually found furthest to the right
· M(g)-->M+.(g) + e-
· This cation/free-radical can form a molecular ion and form fragments to produce other ions (which are detected) and free-radicals (which aren’t detected)
· M+. (g)--> M+(g) + e-
· M+. (g)-->X+(g) + Y.(g)
· More stable cations give higher peaks- e.g.
o acylium RCO+
o carbocations RCH2+ , R2CH+ , R3C+
Infrared spectroscopy
· This gives us information on the bonds in molecules as different bonds absorb different frequencies of infrared radiation
· Fingerprint region: pattern on absorption below 1500cm-1 and it is unique to every compound. You can compare the fingerprint region of the unknown compound to a database and find one that matches exactly to find the compound identity
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
· Gives us information on the position of atoms in a molecule and it relies on the fact atomic nuclei spin
· Atoms with a spin opposed to the magnetic field have high energy and those aligned have lower energy
· Each atom absorbs a different frequency of EM radiationàresonance frequency
· Chemical shift compares the resonance frequencies of 1H and 13C to a reference…
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