A2 Philosophy of Religion Entire Course Notes
- Created by: Scarlett Milner-Stopps
- Created on: 13-06-16 13:42
Philosophy Notes Typed Up (for purpose of revision)
Life After Death and Personal Identity
Key Words:
Dualism – The belief that a person has two distinct elements: a mind/soul and a physical body
Monadic – An indivisible, impenetrable unit of substance which cannot be broken down (i.e. the soul)
Disembodied Existence – The ability to exist without the need for a corporeal substance (a body)
Monism – The belief that humans are a single unity of body and mind – all physical – can be divided into materialism and idealism
Materialism – All the Universe is material and any emotions contained within are a product of this and nothing ‘other’ – can be divided into hard and soft materialism
Hard Materialism – No soul e.g. Dawkins – only the physical world and body exist
Soft Materialism – The body and soul are intertwined e.g. Aristotle
Idealism/Solipsism – Only minds really exist; bodies are an illusion (Descartes is accused of leading to this) – e.g. Berkeley: we are just ‘ideas in the mind of God’
Psyche – The soul/sum total of our humanity
Reductionism – Reducing humans to their simplest parts (e.g. DNA – supported by Dawkins)
Astral Body – A shadowy version of ourselves (physical) which could survive death – proposed by Flew
Akhira – The afterlife in Islam
Atman –The soul in Hinduism
Karma – A universal moral law – our actions have consequences
Maya – Illusion in Hinduism (what our world is)
Moksha – Enlightenment – union with Brahman (don’t have to be a believer to achieve this, just have to realise the world is maya)
Samsara – the eternal cycle of life, death and rebirth which is only broken through achieving Moksha
Brahman – Ultimate reality
The Trimuti - The deities which keep the world in balance in Hinduism – Brahman is split between Brahma (the Creator), Vishnu (the Preserver), and Shiva (the destroyer)
Ahimsa – The principle of non-violence in Hinduism
Dharma – Our duty in Hinduism
Anatta – ‘No self’ in Buddhism (also known as ‘anatman’)
Anicca – The belief in Buddhism that everything is constantly changing, including conscious life – the principle of impermanence
Nirvana – Enlightenment in Buddhism – the realisation that the world and all its entanglements and desires are transitory illusions – a person’s energy is then released into nirvana – eternal and complete freedom from suffering (nothingness)
· Plato believed in a tripartite soul (in three parts) – these parts are the appetitive part (our basic instincts), the spirited part (that which seeks the pursuit of truth) and the rational part (our reason and skill which balances the two).
· These are also present in society – the workers are the appetitive part, the soldiers are the spirited part, and the philosophers are the rational part.
· Represented by the charioteer analogy – the black horse leading down to earth is the appetitive part, the white horse leading to heaven is the spirited part, and…
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