A Level PE - Personality Profiling
- Created by: hotzmc
- Created on: 26-12-17 19:52
A Level PE - Personality Profiling:
Methods of Testing/ Measuring Personality:
- Interviews
- Questionnaire
- Observations
Evaluation of Interviews:
- Can be done before or after an event
- Open ended and flexible
- Difficult to quantify
- Feelings or attitudes can be expressed
- Not directly related to performance
- May be influenced by the interviewer, e.g. leading questions
Evaluation of Questionnaires:
- Can be done before or after an event
- Feelings or attitudes can be expressed
- Would not be influenced by another person
- Can be used to assess traits
- Not directly related to performance
- Rigid and systematically set out
- E.g. Cattell’s 16PF or Spielberger’s Sport Competition Anxiety Test (****)
Evaluations of Observations:
- Made during an actual event
- Directly related to performance
- Difficult to quantify accurately
- Varies according to the competitive nature of the event
- May be influenced by the observer’s views and attitudes
The Profile of Mood States (POMS):
The POMS Questionnaire:
- This sport specific questionnaire asks questionnaire asks questions which determine the mood of the performer
- Attempts to relate this to quality of performance
Moods measured are:
- Tension
- Depression
- Anger
- Vigour
- Fatigue
- Confusion
- Are important aspect of personality which may influence sports performance
- Results of…