A Level PE - Fluid Mechanics

  • Created by: hotzmc
  • Created on: 25-12-17 17:47

A Level PE - Fluid Mechanics:

  • The study of forces acting on the body travelling through the air or water
  • Has particular interest for athletes in all sports

Air Resistance: The force that opposes the direction of motion of a body through the air

  • Acts on a body travelling at high velocity through the air

E.g. Cyclists, sprinters, skier, discus thrower

Drag: The force that opposes the direction of motion of a body through the water

  • Acts on a body travelling through the water

E.g. Swimmer

  • Air resistance and drag work in the opposite direction to the way the body is travelling
  • Therefore their effects must be minimised to prefect performance and technique

Main Factors that Affect Air Resistance and Drag on the Body:

Velocity - The greater the velocity, the greater the air resistance or drag.  Velocity cannot be reduced to minimise air resistance or drag, therefore other factors much be considered. E.g. track cycling, speed skating, downhill skiing

Surface Area: The larger the surface area, the larger the air resistance


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