A Level PE - Feedback
- Created by: hotzmc
- Created on: 24-12-17 15:02
A Level PE - Feedback:
- Involves using the information that is available to the performer either during or after performing a skill to alter future performance
- It is needed for learning to take place
- Can be either intrinsic or extrinsic
- Intrinsic feedback comes during the movement from your senses
- Extrinsic feedback comes from external sources, and is an important part of coaching
- Feedback comes in 2 forms; Knowledge of performance (KoP) or knowledge of results (KoR)
The Importance of Feedback:
- Visual feedback can help a performer form a mental picture of the perfect model of a skill
- Demonstrations should always be corrected using feedback as performers will try and imitate the demonstration
- Verbal feedback should be restricted in early stages as too much can confuse the performer due to lack of attentional capacity
- Questions about a previous performance is a form of feedback
- Feedback is important to a coach teaching the skill, as knowledge of performance is a form of improving skill level
Feedback Should Be:
- Easy to understand
- Concise
- Specific to the athletes sport
- Positive and highlights strengths
- Not too much, but enough to make improvements
- Constructive - focus on a weakness and how to improve them
Functions of Feedback - MRI:
- Feedback Motivates, Reinforces and Informs performers (MRI)
- Motivates as info concerning success or failure can be motivational
- Reinforces as positive reinforcement increases the chance of the performer repeating the performance
- Informs -> feedback can provide information about errors and, can help correct mistakes
Personalities and Feedback:
- People with different personalities will look at and react to feedback differently, there are 2 types of feedback:
- Need to Achieve (NACH) -> more likely to look at feedback as a constructive thing to help them achieve their own personal goals
- Need to Avoid Failure (NAF)-> more likely to take feedback as a negative and react badly to it (like you're criticising them)
Types of Feedback:
- Positive Feedback
- Negative…
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